April 24, 2013


Sarah Jessica Parker should be ashamed of her latest "charity act". Actually, if I were her I wouldn't leave home for a month or two just to make sure I wasn't attacked by a Sex and the City crazy fan or a charity activist. (I am sure there are some)
It starts today, the Gotta Have Rock and Roll’s Rock & Pop Culture Auction 2013 where a bunch of celebrities have donated shoes to raise funds for the LaGuardia High School for Music, Art and the Performing Arts in New York. To this benefit little Sarah generously donated three signed pairs which were worn on the set of Sex in the City as Carrie Bradshaw. Okay, you can tell me "oh no no no, she's the best, she donated 3 pairs when everybody else donated one". The thing is: along those 6 seasons (which I'm so grateful for) and the two movies (which I secretly wish they had never happened) she brought to her personal collection hundreds of shoes! And the best she can do is a pair of Prada Serious Uglyiness peep toe heels, a pair of Dolce Vita Everyone Can Afford black pumps, AND a pair of Average Jonathan Kelsey strappy sandals so outdated as his website, in which the last collection you'll find there dates back to Winter 2010!!! Whatta Fuck?! And as far as I'm concerned , the only Dolce I know, is followed by a Gabbana.
I couldn't even found the courage to post pictures of them to illustrate my post, so ugly they are! Hello Magazine itself wrote about this publishing fabulous pictures of the series avoiding the ones of the actual shoes! Google them and you'll see what I'm talking about.
By this I'm not saying she would get rid of, excuse me, DOnate the iconic silver Manolos stolen at that fateful baby-shower, or the Choos that were stolen from her feet in the Street of Nowhere corner to I'm So Lost Avenue. Or even the perfect blue Manolos with what Mr. Big proposed to her. God forbid. No. I'm just saying that she wasn't really elegant, or thoughtful when she picked those styles. Something stylish, timeless, would raise much much more money for the cause, I'm sure, and the Sex and the City fans wouldn't be felling insulted. As I am. Right now. There you go. I said it.