June 15, 2010


I don't know when or where everybody decided that romance, doesn't matter anymore. We surround ourselves with people we know they're not our soul-mates, and never will, and suddenly we settle. We settle for nothing less than "She/He is not the love of my life, but it feels right at this time"! Come on! When did we stop the search, or the wait, for the true love. The inconvenient, the can´t live without each other love! No. I refuse myself to believe that through our path we won't find a few "love of my life". At least one! So I decided to stop being cynical and drink the positivism of my good friend Helena L... After a time of disposable relationships and fragile commitments, I've realized something: Romance is gonna make a come back! Today, I'll be drinking to that. "Cocktails for everybody"!