March 22, 2010


Cupcakes have become a booming industry, not so much in terms of profit, but in the amount of fashionable cupcake specialty stores that are opening around the world serving delectable flavors and tiny sprinkled delights.
Tea parties, birthdays and just for treats; there never seems to be an end to the possible occasions at which a cupcake could feature. The problems seems to be we can´t find any cupcake stores in Lisbon! Well, problem solved!

I found a small cute company called IN THE MOOD FOR SWEETS, which makes all kind of sweets and specially the delicious and yummy cupcakes... OMG pink frosting! Seriously, how am I supposed to resist their utter cuteness and colorful decorations?
I predict a cupcake-obsession is coming and don't feel guilty every time you found yourself devouring those sneaky little-colorful-delicious-looking treats! At the end of the day, they always win you over.